1st Class GradeBook Logo ( Grades, Grade, Marks, Mark)

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1st Class GradeBook Price List

When you register you will receive an UNLOCK Key so that you can continue working right away. The manual and free upgrades (for at least one year) can be downloaded from our web site. If you would like disks and a manual mailed to you there is a $14.99 shipping and handling charge. Should you need technical assistance it is provided free to registered users.

The prices below do not include applicable taxes. Ontario customers are subject to PST & GST. Canadian customers are subject to GST.

Teachers Price Total
1 $69.99* $69.99*
3 $64.99 $194.97
5 $59.99 $299.95
10 $49.99 $499.90
20 $39.99 $799.80
40 $24.99 $999.60
80+ $14.99 $1199.20+

Prices are stated in US$.
* Single version price reflects $14.99 online discount. Regular price is $84.98.


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